God's Grading System
1. Several times each year students throughout the country receive report cards to indicate the progress they are making in school. Some schools use the familiar alphabet grading system that has been used for years. In this grading system "A" stands for best. "B" is good and "C" is normal or average. To mention lower grades is perhaps a little too personal.
2. It may come as a surprise to some, but God also has a grading system that is sometimes different from the one most of us have been familiar with all our lives. God has some "Be's" that He gives and they stand for best. Unless we have these "Be's on our eternal report card will be lost for all eternity!
3. It is imperative that we consider these "Be's."
One "Be" we must have on our eternal report card is gratitude or thanksgiving.
1. Paul wrote.(Col. 3:15).
- One time an elderly man arose in a crowded bus and gave a young lady his seat. She immediately took it and said nothing. The elderly gentleman leaned close to her and said, "I beg your pardon." There was no response, so the second time he said, "I beg your pardon." With this prompting the young lady raised her eyes to his and said, "I didn't say anything." He answered, "Oh, I beg your pardon, I thought you might have said 'thank you.'"
- Don't you suppose that God sometimes feels this same injustice from us? God has greatly blessed us in the past and gives us blessings each day, but we so often forget to say "thank you."
- We are often like the 10 lepers that Jesus healed. (Lk. 17:11-18).
- The psalmist exhorted us saying. (Psa.100:1-5;103:1-5).
2. Not only should we express thanks to God but we should express it to others.
- Once a soldier in the American Third Army was sent to a rest camp after a period of active service. When he returned to his outfit, he wrote a letter to General George Patton and thanked him the splendid care he had received. General Patton wrote back that for 35 years he had sought to give all the comfort and convenience he could to his men, and added that this was the first letter of thanks he had received in all his years in the Army.
- There are few points at which human nature is more lacking than in lack of gratitude. We are so quick to ask and receive, but sometimes very slow to say "thanks."
A second "Be" we must have on our eternal report card is holiness.(1 Pet.1:16).
1. God has called the Christian out of the darkness of sin to live a holy life.
- It is scandalous for a Christian to wear the name "Christian" and then live an impure, sin-filled, hypocritical life.
- There are some people who wear the name "Christian" who lie, cheat, steal, curse, and commit every other sin under the sun.
2. The God of purity will not tolerate or save such people. He wants us to be known for our holiness.
- Prior to becoming a Christian sin was the rule of our lives and righteousness the exception, but after conversion, righteousness should be the rule of our lives and sin the exception.
- We should keep these words in mind. (Matt.5:8; Rom.12:2; Rev. 21:27).
- The words of this familiar song should also constantly be on our hearts and lips.
More holiness give me, More strivings within,
More patience in suffering, More sorrow for sin.
More faith in my Savior, More sense of His care,
More joy in His service, More purpose in prayer.
More gratitude give me, More trust in the Lord,
More pride in His glory, More hope in His word,
More tears for His sorrows, More pain at His grief,
More meekness in trial, More praise for relief.
More purity give me, More strength to overcome,
More freedom from earthstains, More longings for home;
More fit for the kingdom, More useful I'd be,
More blessed and holy, More, Savior, like Thee.
A third "Be" we must have on our eternal report card is kindness. (Eph. 4:32).
1. In order to enter the heavenly city a Christian must be full of kindness. The Christian must not be rude or harsh, but he must be tenderhearted, forgiving and concerned for the physical and spiritual needs of others.
2. This old world certainly needs more kindness.
- Millions of hearts are aching for a little kindness, but most people are too filled with apathy or too busy to take the time to be kind.
- Brethren, someone has made this pertinent statement about kindness that we need to keep in mind, "You cannot do a kindness too soon, because you never know how soon it will be too late!"
A fourth "Be" we must have on our eternal report care is peace. (Rom. 12:18; 14:19; Matt. 5:9; 1 Pet. 3:11).
1. These verses and countless others in the Bible emphasize that a child of God should be at peace with all men and follow the things that make for peace.
2. There a number of things a Christian can do which will promote peace.
- One thing a Christian can do to promote peace is to want to get along with others.
- Too many people are like the man who said, "I'm going home and if my wife does not have a good meal cooked, I'm going to raise the roof; and if she does, I'm not going to eat a bite."
- Others are like the man who came into the church business meeting late. As he sat down he said, "I don't know what you are talking about, but I'm against it."
- There is a story told about a man who was very difficult to get along with and impossible to please.
One morning his wife fixed him a delicious breakfast. She fixed him some biscuits, some bacon, coffee, and scrambled him some eggs. She then brought him this breakfast while he was still in bed. All he did was mutter, "I didn't want 2 scrambled eggs." So the next morning she fixed him 2 fried eggs along with the biscuits and bacon and coffee. This time he muttered, "I didn't want 2 fried eggs. I want 1 fried and 1 scrambled." A morning or two after that she fried him one egg and scrambled him another along with all the trimmings and brought it into him. This time he said, "You fried the wrong egg."
- How different this man was to the man who was asked by his wife, "How do you like your eggs?" He said, "I like them." She said, "I mean how do you like them cooked?" He replied, "I like them that way best."
- Oh, we need to be more like this man and try to get along with others.
- A second thing a Christian can do to promote peace is return good for evil.
It will heap coals of fire upon the head of the guilty and bring him to repentance. (Rom. 12:19-21).
- A third thing a Christian can do to promote peace to be easily entreated (Jas. 3:17).
- The Christian must have a yielding spirit in all matters of opinion. He must be willing to compromise for the sake of peace.
- The Christian cannot and must compromise truth. (Jno. 8:32).
- Paul wrote. (Eph. 4:4-6).
- We must never compromise these and other foundational docrtines.
- We should yield in matters of opinion, like or dislike, ore tradition.
- Preaching the gospel. (Mk. 16:15).
- Caring for the orphans. (Jas. 1:27)
Note: God requires us to preach the gospel to the whole world, and take care of orphans, but the exact method is not commanded. We have a lot of liberty as long as we do not violate God's word.
- A fourth thing a Christian can do to promote peace is forgiveness.
The Christian must not bear grudges, but must be willing to forgive the one who offends him. (Col. 3:13; Matt. 6:14,15).
Still another "Be" we must have on our eternal report card is obedience. (Jas. 1:22).
1. James emphasizes that merely hearing the word is not sufficient. We must do the things we know to do.
- Once I heard of a church that had preaching only once a month. When asked why they didn't have it more often, they replied, "Wouldn't do any good; we already know more than we are doing!"
- They had the wrong concept of preaching. It can be motivational as well as instructional but their statement is true of us all. We all know more than we are doing and that is sin! In order to be saved we must put what we know into action. (Jas. 4:17).
2. This is not only true of the Christian, but it is true of the non-Christian.
- I have heard many non-Christians state, "I know what is right." I submit to you the kindest way I know that simply knowing what is right is not enough. Hell will be filled with people who know what is right but did not do anything about it.
- A person must obey the will of God to be saved. (Matt. 7:21; Lk. 6:46; Heb. 5:9).
1. Yes, God has a grading system that is sometimes very different from man's. There are some things in which He wants to make "Be's" because they are the very best. May the God of heaven be able to place these five "Be's" on our eternal report card.
2. God's gracious invitation is now extended. He invites all to come and enjoy His immense blessings. Come confessing your faith in Jesus and renounce sin and be baptized for the remission sins. Come as we stand and sing.