Jesus Lifted Me


  1. Today I would like to speak on the subject "Jesus Lifted Me."
  2. This is a lesson especially directed to women of all ages.
  3. It is a lesson that shows Jesus had an exalted view of womanhood and every woman should love, honor, and obey Jesus:

Pagan Concept Of Womanhood

  1. Pagans had a very low concept of womanhood.
  2. Women were regarded as property in antiquity.
  3. A woman was most often a father's to barter.

    He would get the best price he could for himself in arranging her marriage.

    Once married she became her husband's property to use or abuse as he chose.

    She was counted as the man's property.

    She was like a slave without rights.

    She was a plaything to men.

  4. The married woman was a childbearer and household slave.
  5. She seldom appeared in public except to draw water, to herd animals, or to do other work that might require her to venture out of the house.
  6. In some cultures it was considered seditious and dangerous to educate women.
  7. In some cultures a man could kill his wife without penalty. 

Hebrew Concept Of Womanhood

  1. Things were better in the Hebrew or Jewish culture.
  2. The Old Testament presents women in a much more positive light than most ancient documents.
  3. She is a "helper suited to man" who is bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh. (Gen. 2:18, 23).


Many of her duties were in the home.

She did some things that involved public visibility and enjoyed a degree of personal independence.

She "considers a field and buys it," administers the duties of servants under her, and trades items she has manufactured with merchants.

Much of her husband's stature in the community is tied to her image and performance.

Her children respect her and "call her blessed."

Her husband "praises her" for her character and worth.


Ten Commandments

  1. The Ten Commandments goes well beyond most ancient codes.
  2. Exod. 20:12; cf. Lev. 19:3

    See Exod. 21:15, 17.

  3. Under Jewish law a woman could inherit property and be a landowner in the absence of male heirs.
  4. The law afforded considerable respect to females, but a woman's social position in Jewish culture at the time of Christ reflected many male prejudices.
  5. In worship they were more often observers than participants.

    They synagogue segregated women from men and kept them out of view.

  6. Woman were regarded as temptresses and seductresses
  7. "Thus, under no circumstances should a man walk behind a woman, not even his own wife."

  8. One who walks behind a woman crossing a stream has no share in the World to Come." 

Rights Of A Woman

  1. Only in very rare circumstances could a woman testify in court.
  2. "Women, even a hundred of them, are legally equal to one male witness."
  3. Many women might testify to a matter, but if a man's word contradicted them, the man's word would likely carry the day.
  4. The woman could not divorce her husband, but he could divorce her for most any reason. (Deut. 24:1).
  5. Woman were excluded from those eligible to lay hands on an animal to be offered in sacrifice.

Benediction Used In Synagogue

One of the Eighteen Benedictions used in synagogue worship was: "I thank you, Lord, that I was not born a Gentile, a slave, or a woman." 


  1. Rabbis did not include women as their disciples.
  2. Some regarded it as a sin to teach women.
Rabbi Eliezer said, "If any man gives his daughter a knowledge of the Law it is as though he taught her leckery."

"Eckery" means "Free indulgence of lust; lewdness." 

Stricter Rabbis

Among the stricter rabbis, there was a tradition of never speaking to a woman in public, not even to one's mother, wife, or daughter. 

Christ's View Of Women

  1. Christ's attitude or view toward women was very radical for the time and His behavior and attitude should make an impact on us.
  2. Jesus treated women with respect and dignity. (Lk. 7:36-50).
  3. Jesus worked miracles for the benefit of women. (Lk. 8:40-56).
  4. Jesus taught women. (Lk. 10:38-42; John 4:27).
  5. Jesus included women among His disciples, and they were among His most faithful followers. (Lk. 8:1-3; 23:49).
  6. Jesus had compassion on women. (Lk. 13:10-13; Jno. 8:1-11).
  7. He used the actions of a woman as an example to all others. (Lk. 21:1-4).
  8. He even stopped to teach a group of women as He was making His anguished way to Golgotha. (Lk. 23:27-31).
  9. Women were witnesses of His resurrection. (Lk. 23:55-24:11).
  10. Women were the first witnesses of His resurrection. (Jno. 20:11-18).
  11. Women were the first to bear witness of it to others. (Jno. 20:11-18).
  12. Jesus through the apostles and others taught a very high concept of women.

Galatians 3:26-28

  1. This passage does not mean there are no differences between men and women or that they never have difference roles.
  2. It does teach that Christ is the Savior of both males and females. Whether one is a male or female, slave or free, Jew or Greek did not give one an advantage in going to heaven. All who are saved will be saved through Christ. (Jno. 14:6).

Our Modern Generation

  1. Most of the freedom, love and respect woman have today in our culture is because of Jesus.
  2. But our generation still has much to learn from Jesus.
  3. Six million wives will be abused by their husbands this year.
  4. Close to 4,000 will be beaten to death.
  5. Women are typically paid less than men for doing the same work.
  6. Many women are subjected to sexual harassment in the marketplace.
  7. Tens of thousands are raped or subjected to incest every year.
  8. Women are often looked upon as sexual playthings, and their importance and intelligence undermined.
  9. There is the depreciation of the traditional role of woman as wife and mother in our culture as a nonproductive career.
  10. Many a woman has apologetically said, "I'm just a housewife. I don't do anything important."  


  1. None of these sinful attitudes and actions of our world were taught by Jesus.
  2. He treated woman with love, honor, and dignity.
  3. Every woman should love and praise Jesus, and should seek to exalt Jesus and His teachings.
  4. He is the hope for womanhood now and forever.
  5. The gospels tell us that Mary and a number of other women remained near Jesus as He died on the cross.
  6. The wise woman, or man, remains near the cross today and says. (Phil. 1:21; Gal. 2:20).