"Blessed Are The Peacemakers"


1. In the long ago Jesus preached the famous Sermon on the Mount.

2. Each of these beatitudes are essential. Not one of them is more important than the other. No one will enter heaven who is not like all of these beatitudes.

"Blessed Are The Peacemakers"

1. This statement must have come as a great shock to the materialistic Jews of Christ's day. They were looking for an earthly kingdom and messiah, a king who would lead them to victory over the Romans and make them a world power. They were looking for a king who would make them a prosperous and mighty nation.

2. These scriptures make it abundantly clear that God's children are to be peacemakers.

3. The question that probably comes to our minds is "What is a peacemaker like? How does he act?"

Need For Peacemakers

1. We need people like this little boy in the world today.

2. We need peacemakers in the church.

 3. We need peacemakers in the home.

"Sons of God"

1. Jesus promises that those who promote peace shall be regarded as "sons of God."

2. On the other hand, troublemakers shall be called sons of Satan. The meaning of this beatitude could be expressed this way, "Cursed are the troublemakers; for they shall be called the sons of Satan." Those who cause trouble and work for selfish and sinful ambitions manifest that they are not of God, but of Satan.


1. This beatitude gives us a description of the sons of God.

2. In order to become sons of God, we must be both again. (Jno. 3:1-5; Gal. 3:26-27).

3. We invite you to come to God as we stand and sing.