"Blessed Are The Pure In Heart"
1. One of the greatest beatitudes uttered by Jesus is found in Matthew 5:8. He said, "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God."
2. Jesus strongly emphasized that our hearts must be pure, not filled with the corruption and impurities of this world.
Purity Of Heart Emphasized
1. Purity of heart is emphasized over and over gain in the scriptures. (1 Sam. 16:7; Psa. 23:3,4; Prov. 4:23; 23:7; Jas. 4:8).
- Matthew the 15th chapter tells us the Pharisees and scribes condemned the disciples of Christ for not washing their hands in a ceremonial way before they ate. They charged that the disciples had transgressed the traditions of the elders.
- In response to this charge Jesus gave them this stern rebuke. (Matt. 15:7-10, 16-20).
2. These passage all show God's prime concern is the heart of man. He wants men to be pure and clean on the inside. He does not want them to be like the Pharisees and scribes.
- Jesus compared them to a cup and a platter that were sparking clean on the outside, but filthy on the inside.
- He also compared them to whited sepulchres. He said they looked good on the outside, but inwardly were full of dead men's bones. (Matt. 23:25-27).
Purity Of Heart Manifested
1. Those who are pure in heart are free of hypocrisy.
- They are not two-faced. They do not put up a false pretense of righteousness.
- They are genuine Christians with their sole aim in life being to do the will of God. (Jno. 5:30).
2. Those who are pure in heart have sincere love.
- Their love is without hypocrisy. (Rom. 12:9).
- There is nothing more sickening, more nauseating, more repulsive than a person who pretends to love you, who pretends to be your friend but who in reality is your enemy. (Matt. 26:47-49).
3. Those who are pure in heart guard their speech.
- They do not use vulgar and suggestive language.
- They know that vulgar, suggestive, unwholesome language is not pleasing to God and will keep them out of heaven. (Eph. 4:29; Jas. 3:10; Matt. 12:36,37).
4. Those who are pure in heart guard their thoughts.
- They think on things that are honorable and true and pure and lovely and of good report. (Phil. 4:8).
- They do not keep their minds in the gutter. They are very careful about the literature they read. Today our magazine stands are filled with books containing vile language and vulgar pictures. Millions of copies of the trash are sold every month to both young and old.
- The pure in heart do not fill their minds with this literature which is designed to produce impure thoughts. They know the thoughts produced by this literature will keep them out of heaven.
- Furthermore, the evil thoughts produced by such literature often lead to sex crimes.
- J. Edgar Hoover, the late head of the F.B.I,. said there has never been a sexual offence committed where pornographic literature was not found on the offender or in his personal belongings.
- This is a fact we should think about before we read this kind of literature and let our children read it. If we read impure literature, we will be impure. (Prov. 23:7).
5. Those who are pure in heart are selective about the movies they attend.
- There is nothing wrong with the movies as such. There have been some very excellent movies produced through the years. A person can see some of these movies with profit. They inspire the best in us.
- The point I am making is that Christians must be selective about the movies they attend. They cannot see every movie that comes to town.
- Most of what has come out of Hollywood in recent years has been produced to appeal to the base, violent nature of man. Very often a movie is advertised for adults only or for mature audiences only. When a person reads this he know that he movies is not fit for adults or children. Even some of the so-called family shows are suggestive and not fit for the pure in heart to see. Those who attend movies like this will not see God.
6. Those who are pure in heart are careful about their dress. (1 Tim. 2:9,10).
- Paul emphasized that Christian women are to dress in modest apparel as women professing godliness. In context this had reference to woman overdressing, but the principle is much broader. Women are to dress as women professing godliness. Short, tight, scanty clothing does not fit this description. This type of clothing causes many men to lust and Jesus taught lusting is sinful.
- This statement sounds strange to most women because as a rule scanty clothing does not cause them to have evil thoughts.
- The reason for this is the biological make-up of women differs from men. There are very few men, even the best of men, who can look at a woman in scanty and tight clothing without having impure thoughts. I have had a number of fine Christian men and young men tell me that they cannot look upon a women with scanty clothing without often having evil thoughts.
- Women with pure hearts, realizing this fact, will not wear clothing which will lead others astray. They know this will lead to their personal condemnation and the condemnation of others. (Lk. 17:1; 1 Cor. 10:32).
1. Tennyson in his "Idylls of the King" gives the knight's pledge. "Live pure, speak truth, right the wrong, follow the King: else wherefore born?" This is a good motto for the Christian. He must live a pure life; he must certainly speak the truth and do what he can to right conditions that are wrong. Above all he must follow the King, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
2. Heaven will be yours if you will do these things. Come and yield your life to Jesus and live a pure life for Him. Let your light shine for Jesus. Come as we stand and sing.