Christ The Master Teacher 


1. Jesus Christ has left us many wonderful and outstanding examples to follow.

2. One of these examples is that of His teaching.

3. Christ was the greatest and most masterful Teacher who has ever lived.

A Teacher Come From God

1. Jesus was a Teacher come from God. (Jno. 3:1,2).

2. As a teacher from God, Jesus spoke only the words of the Father. (Jno. 15:15). 

Special Note

1. It is important that teachers today speak only the words of God. (1 Pet. 4:11).

2. It is not their job to teach philosophy, science, history, or any other subject.

3. It is the job of the teacher to teach God's perfect and inspired word.

4. Teaching the word of God is not an accident.

Jesus Was An Example Of What He Taught

1. He did not tell His students to do one thing and then do just the opposite.

2. All teachers must live what they teach.

Jesus Knew The Ones He Taught

1. John said. (Jno. 2:25).

"and because He did not need anyone to bear witness concerning man for He Himself knew what was in man."

2. Yes, Jesus knew all things because He was God.

3. Teachers today need to know their students.

Jesus Would Teach Any Number At Any Time Or Place

1. He would teach a multitude or just one person.

2. Teachers today must be ready to teach any number.

3. Jesus would teach on a hillside, in the synagogue, in a tax-collectors home, from a boat and other places where men would listen.

4. Teachers today must be willing and eager to teach God's word anywhere - not just in the church building.

Jesus Was A Teacher Of Prayer

1. He spend many hours praying that God would guide His life and teaching.

2. Teachers today need to spend long hours in prayer. (Col. 4:2; 1 Thess. 5:17).

Jesus Spoke In Clear And Simple Language

1. He did not try to impress others with His vast, unlimited learning. (Matt. 5:3-18).

2. One of the vehicles Jesus used to teach the truth was parables.

3. A mark of a good teacher today is to speak in clear and simple language.

AThough I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not clarity, I am becoming as sounding brass, or a tinking cymbal."

Jesus Was Not Afraid To Speak The Truth

1. He knew only the truth would save men. (Jno. 8:32).

2. He spoke the truth even if it meant His life. 

3. Teachers today need the courage to speak the truth.

Jesus Spoke With Authority

1. He was not like the teachers of the law. (Mk. 1:22).

2. Teachers today need to read, learn, and quote the word of God.

Jesus Was A Master At Using Illustrations

1. He used numerous parables, metaphors and other illustrations to convey the sublime truths of God.

2. We would do well the emulate the example of Jesus.


1. Without doubt Jesus was the greatest and most masterful Teacher the world has ever known.

2. As a teacher He cannot be equaled or surpassed, but we should strive to follow in His steps.

3. Above all, we must hear and obey the Master Teacher - Jesus.