The Faithfulness OF God

Lesson 8


1. Today we will study "The Faithfulness Of God."

2. The Bible affirms:

3. We are living is an age of unfaithfulness!

4. How wondrous and refreshing for us to behold One who is faithful, faithful in all things, faithful at all times.

Scriptures Declare God's Faithfulness

1. The Old Testament praises God for His faithfulness. (Deut. 7:9; 32:4; Josh. 23:14; Psa. 89:1,2,8; 36:5; Lam. 10:22,23).

2. The New Testament exalts God for His faithfulness. (2 Tim. 2:13; Jno. 8:26; 2 Pet. 3:9; Rev. 15:3).

3. These scriptures and others extol God for His faithfulness.

4. He fulfills every promise, every prophecy, every threat.

Illustrations Of God's Faithfulness

1. Very early in the history of man God said. (Gen. 8:22).

2. In Genesis l5 we find that Jehovah declared unto Abraham. (Gen. 15:13-16).

 3. Though Isaiah the prophet God declared. (Isa. 7:14).

Some Ways God Manifests His Faithfulness

1. God is faithful to His word. (Heb. 6:13-19).

2. God will help us overcome temptation. (1 Cor. 10:13).

3. God is faithful in preserving His people. (1 Cor. 1:9).

4. God is faithful in disciplining His people. (Heb. 12:5,6).

5. God is faithful to forgive us. (1 Jno. 1:9).

6. God is faithful in glorifying His people. (2 Tim. 1:12).


1. The apprehension of God's faithfulness will preserve us from worry. God will take care of us.

2. The apprehension of God's faithfulness will check our murmuring.

3. The apprehension of God's faithfulness should create greater confidence in Him.

4. May we thank God every day for His faithfulness. May we put our implicit trust in God and exclaim God's faithfulness to all. (Heb. 13:5,6).

5. In the next lesson we will study "The Patience of God."