God's Perfect Pattern Of Giving

Lesson Two

(Part 1)


1. This lesson is designed to discuss "God's Perfect Pattern Of Giving."

2. God has revealed His pattern of giving and it behooves us to prayerfully and carefully study this pattern.

The Perfect Time

"Upon the first day of the week."

1. Paul taught Christians to give on the first day of the week. (1 Cor. 16:1,2).

2. The Greek literally reads "the first day of every week."

3. The first day of the week has great significance.

The Perfect People

"Let every one of you lay by him in store."

1. Who should give? Place an X by the right answers.

____Those who have a lot

____Just the elders, deacons, and the preacher

____Those who have little.

____Poor, rich, widows, married, single, children.

____Just one wage earner per family.

2. Discuss reasons why every member of the family should give. (Review motivations for giving in Lesson One).

3. What about soliciting money from unbelievers?

4. What do you think about giving when you are present and spending God's gift on ourselves when we must miss on Sunday because of illness, traveling, or some other reason?

The Perfect Place

"In Store"

1. Paul commanded Christians to lay by "in store."

2. Some think the words "in store" mean Christians were to store up their money at home and later be given. This is unlikely.

3. The words "in store" refer to the treasury.

Thought questions

1. What would happen to the church without Christians laying by in store in the treasury?

2. What would happen to the church if every member decided to send his contribution privately to any place he thought it would do good?

The Perfect Provision

"As He Hath Been Prospered."

1. God has blessed each one of us. (Jas. 1:17; l Tim. 6:l7; Deut. 8:18).

2. Without the gracious provision of God we could have nothing, be nothing, and do nothing. (Jno. 15:5; 1 Chron. 29:12; 1 Cor. 4:7).

3. Think how tragic when any Christian fails to express his deep gratitude in loyal, faithful giving when God has given him everything He has!


1. We should praise and thank God every day for His bountiful, great blessings! Read and meditate on the scriptures. (Psa.100:1-5; Col. 3:16,17; Eph. 5:20).

2. "Were the whole realm of nature mine that were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.