How To Fulfill The Mission Of The Church


1. Today I would like to begin our series of lessons on "How To Fulfill The Mission Of The Church."

2. The emphasis in these lessons will be on the work of the church, but even more so on how to fulfill it.

3. Lesson one will be devoted to "Preaching The Gospel To The Local Community."

Commanded To Preach The Gospel

1. The Great Commission (Matt. 28:19,20; Mk. 16:15,16).

2. Examples

Advantages We Have In Preaching To The Gospel To The Local Community

1. We have many things in common with those in the community.

2. Many are our friends or friends of our friends.

3. The proximity (nearness) is helpful.

Some Essential Factors To Accomplish This Mission

1. We have been commanded to "go."

2. We must realize people are really lost. (Rom. 3:23; 6:23).

3. We must realize the value of individual acts.

4. We must realize God has given us this responsibility.

5. We must overcome the fear of "no."

6. We must understand not every one is interested.

7. We must not let building enslave us.

8. We must overcome excuses.


1. Some methods which work but are not the most productive methods.

2. Some methods which have great potential.


1. This lesson has listed many ways we can impact many in our community to come to Christ, but it has not come close to exhausting all the ways.

2. It is vital that we remember that God has given us the responsibility and the intelligence to reach others.

3. We must in a loving and caring way keep reaching out to those in our community and the whole world.