The Knowledge of God

Lesson 2


1. The previous lesson began a series of lessons on the Infinite, Majestic God of heaven.

2. The first lesson was devoted to the eternity of God.

 3. This lesson will make a careful study of "The Knowledge Of God."

God Is Omniscient

1. The omniscience of God means He is all-knowing.

2. God is perfectly acquainted with every detail in the life of every being in heaven, in earth, and in hell.

3. God's omniscience is set forth throughout the scriptures. (Psa. 147:5).

What Does God's Omniscience Mean To Us?

1. It means God hears our prayers. (1 Jno. 5:14,15).

2. It means God is aware of our needs.

3. It means God sees our every action. (Prov. 15:3).

4. It means God will bless our deeds.

5. It means God will not be mocked. (Gal. 6:7, 8; Num. 32:23).

6. It means God cannot forget.

7. It means the judgment will be fair and based on the perfect knowledge of God. (Rom. 14:12; Eccles. 12:7; 2 Cor. 5:10).

Some Find It Difficult To Believe In The All-Knowing God.

1. They seek to make God like man.

It is strange that many who deny the omniscience of God are willing to ascribe omniscience or near omniscience to alleged peoples of other worlds or to computers.

2. Some do not deny the omniscience of God on an intellectual basis.


1. The infinite knowledge of God should fill us with amazement.

2. The infinite knowledge of God should fill us with holy awe.

3. The infinite knowledge of God should fill us with adoration.