The Patience Of God

Lesson 9


1. This lesson will focus on "The Patience Of God."

2. Some reasons why "The Patience Of God" is so often overlooked or neglected.

3. Patience differs in some respects from mercy.

God's Patience In The Patriarchal Age

1. God manifested His immense patience in the days of Noah.

2. God manifested His great patience in the days of Sodom of and Gomorrah.

God's Patience In The Mosaic Age

1. God revealed His patience at the crossing of the Red Sea.

2. God exhibited His patience at Mount Sinai.

3. What about the Gentiles in the patriarchal age and Mosaic age?

God's Patience In The Christian Age

1. God's patience is not limited to the patriarchal age, or Mosaical Age, but is constantly manifested in the Christian dispensation.

2. How wondrous is God's patience with the world today!

 3. What about us?


1. It is sad so many have misunderstood God's longsuffering.

2. May each of us mediate upon God's patience and thank God for this marvelous, wonderful attribute.

 Listen to what Jesus said. (Matt. 5:38-48).

Jesus exhorts us to love our enemies, bless them who curse us, do good to them hate us.

Such conduct is of God and makes us like God.

3. Next week we will study "The Wrath of God" and the following week we will study "The Love of God."