Ten Commandments
Part 2
1. Part 1 was an introduction to the Ten Commandments.
2. It also took a brief look at the first four commandments that relate to man's love for God.
3. This lesson will take a brief look at the 5th and 6th commandments of the Decalogue.
Fifth Commandment
"Honor thy father and thy mother"
Exod. 20:12; Deut. 5:16.
1. Under the Mosaic law a disobedient, stubborn, rebellious child was to be put to death. (Exod. 21:15,17; Deut. 21:l8-21).
2. The Old Testament admonishes children to hear and obey the instructions of parents. (Prov. 13:l; 15:5, 20; l7:25; 19:26; 20:20; 23:22; 28:24).
- Even those who did not have the Mosaic law were expected to obey parents. (Rom. 1:18-31). Romans 1:30.
- Even most Gentiles provided for parents. (1 Tim. 5:8).
3. The New Testament instructs children to honor and obey parents. (Eph. 6:1-2).
4. Here are some ways in which children are to honor father and mother.
- Obey (Eph. 6:l).
- Helping (Matt. 15:1-8; l Tim. 5:8; Jno. l9:27).
- Expressing affection
- Living upright lives
5. Obedience to this commandment is necessary to please God, and as a general rule makes for longevity. (Eph. 6:3; Exod. 20:12; Lev. 24:17; Num. 35:30).
Sixth Commandment
"Thou shalt not kill" -
Exod. 20:13; Deut. 5:17.
1. This commandment was intended to teach the sanctity of human life. (Gen. 1:26,27; 9:5,6).
2. The word "kill" is here used to mean "murder."
- It was not wrong to kill animals for food, sacrifice, self-preservation, etc.
- The law did not permit abuse of animals.
3. It did not condemn capital punishment for certain crimes. (Exod. 2l:12, 15).
4. It did not condemn all wars.
5. It had always been wrong to murder (Gen. 4:l-10; 9:5,6), and murder was condemned by the law of Moses.
6. The penalty for murder was death. (Exod. 21:12).
- One could not be found guilty of murder without 2 or 3 witnesses.
- The person who unintentionally killed someone could flee to one of the 6 cities of refuge.
- If he were found guilty of murder, he was put to death.
- If he was found innocent of intentional killing, he was required to remain in the city of refuge until the death of the high priest.
- The avenger of blood, the near kinsman, could kill the one who fled to the city of refuge, and could even kill the one found innocent of unintentional killing if he left the city of refuge before the death of the high priest.
7. The New Testament condemns murder.
- Jesus taught "anger" is a violation of this commandment. (Matt. 5:21,22; l5:19).
- John taught "hate" is a violation of this law. (l Jno.3:15).
- Jesus and John were giving the true meaning of the 6th commandment.
- The Old Testament did not teach it was right to "hate". (Prov. 25:21-23; Rom. 12:18-20).
- Some of the Jews had perverted the law to teach it was right to "hate" one's enemies.
- The Christian must overcome anger and hate if he/she desires to go to heaven. (1 Jno. 3:15).
1. It is urgent and an absolute must that children be taught to honor their parents.
2. Christians must take the lead in this process, and lead the world by teaching and example.
3. The world is filled with violence of all kinds and murders.
- The Christian can help overcome this problem by working on the anger and hatred in his/her own heart.
- The Christian can help overcome this problem by working for programs and legislation that will make our world a less violent place to live and that will promote brotherly love.
- The Christian can help overcome this problem by voting for stricter laws that remove violent people from our streets and neighborhoods.
- The Christian can help overcome this problem by seeking to rehabilitate those in prisons, and not depending on confinement and harsh treatment alone to make the world better.