Ten Commandments

Part 3


1. The seventh commandment of the Decalogue is one that is much needed in our loose society.

2. Sexual immorality is so common in our world that purity is often made a joke.

3. It is essential that we study what the holy God of heaven says about sexual immorality.

4. It is His view that really counts, and it behooves us to learn what God teaches about sexual purity.

Seventh Commandment

"Thou shalt not commit adultery"

Exod. 20:14; Deut. 5:l8

1. This commandment was intended to condemn all immorality and maintain the principal of sexual purity.

2. Adultery was punished by death. (Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22:21).

3. This commandment did not condemn:

4. Adultery (sexual immorality) has always been wrong. (Gen. 19:5,6; 39:7-9; 12:14-20; Rom. 1:26,27).

5. The New Testament condemns sexual immorality. (Gal. 5:19-21; Heb.13:4; l Cor. 6:9,10,11-20).

Overcoming Immorality

1. We must try to control thoughts. (Prov. 23:7).

2. We must avoid lustful reading materials, movies, etc. (Phil. 4:8).

3. We must flee. (1 Cor. 6:16).

4. We must depend on God. (Jas. 4:7,8; 1 Cor. 10:13).

5. We must remember our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 6:19,20).

Fornication defiles the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Paul did not argue they should abstain from fornication because they might get pregnant (which is possible), but he argued fornication is unthinkable for those whose bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

6. We should remember that sin grieves our God.

7. We should remember that fornication will damn our souls. (Gal. 5:19-21).