The Wrath of God

Lesson 10


1. The lesson today is entitled "The Wrath of God."

2. This is a subject that men approach with many different attitudes.

Attitudes Toward The Wrath Of God

1. Some deny the wrath of God.

2. Others wish there was not such a thing as God's wrath.

3. Others falsely view and present God as only a God of wrath.

 4. Others accept God's wrath as one of His attributes.

The Bible Reveals God Is A God Of Wrath

1. The Bible does not apologize for God's wrath, but makes it very plain that God is a God to whom vengeance and fury belong.

"See now that I, I am He,

And there is no god besides Me;

It is I who put to death and give life.

I have wounded, and it is I who heal;

And there is no one who can deliver from My hand.

Indeed, I lift up My hand to heaven,

And say, as I live forever,

If I sharpen My flashing sword,

And My hand takes hold on justice,

I will render vengeance on My adversaries,

And I will repay those who hate Me."

(Deut. 32:39-41). N.A.S.B.

God's Wrath Is A Manifestation Of His Perfection

1. Some think God's wrath is a manifestation of a moral blemish, but that is far from the truth.

2. God's wrath is a manifestation of His perfect holiness.

3. God's wrath is never triggered by any imperfection on His part, but is always motivated by God's righteous abhorrence of sin.

4. God's wrath is always motivated by God's justice.

5. How can any person avoid the wrath of God?

What Should Be Our Response To God's Wrath?

1. We should thank God for this Divine perfection.

2. We should recognize that God is a God of wrath, and we should recognize that God is not partial.

3. We should accept God's atonement.

4. We should respect God's anger, but should not live in constant terror of God's anger.

5. We should faithfully proclaim God's love, and we should just as faithfully proclaim God's wrath.


1. Faithfulness demands that we speak plainly about God's wrath and hell and with the same fervency as we speak of God's love and heaven.

2. Christianity has not grown much in recent decades.